Since its foundation in 1997 the ECBA (European Criminal Bar Association) has become the pre-eminent independent organisation of specialist defence lawyers in all Council of Europe countries.
This section of our website contains contact details of individual lawyers/ECBA members who confirm that they are specialist criminal defence practitioners.
November 2024 - On the eve of INTERPOL's General Assembly, the ECBA issued a Statement calling on the organisation and member countries to reaffirm their commitment to uphold human rights standards.
The ECBA message emphasised that fundamental rights, due process, and fair trial standards are crucial to the functioning of a system of international cooperation in criminal matters.
Click here to read the Statement in Portuguese.
The ECBA publishes its opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation on the transfer of proceedings COM (2023) 185 final - 2023/0093 (COD) as well as the key points on the transfer/takeover of criminal proceedings (Art. 82, 85 TFEU) regarding remedies and the right to request transfer.
The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) welcomes the EU Commission’s new initiative to tackle corruption.
The Commission drafted a new Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Combating Corruption (Proposal). The ECBA underlines the need to respect the higher standard for procedural safeguards and due process principle and fair trials also in this very sensitive field of law.
The ECBA is very pleased to announce that a ECBA Handbook on the EAW for Defence Lawyers has been published on the following website:
The European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers (EFCL) focuses on fraud and white collar crime and compliance and regulatory issues.
The ECBA is pleased to present the Roadmap 2020. After the Directives following the Stockholm Programme of 2009 further procedural safeguards in criminal proceedings are not yet on the political agenda of EU institutions and politicians.
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