The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) is a leading group of independent criminal defence lawyers in the Council of Europe

The ECBA publishes its resolution adopted on 6 May 2023, in Warsaw, on the protection of the work of members of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (UNBA).
The ECBA recalls Principle no. 18 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers. 

Advocates must not be identified with their clients. A principle that should be applied in any country and under any circumstances without derogations, regardless of the categories of cases. 

A principle which enforcement is a positive obligation of every state.

The ECBA urges that the Ukrainian authorities ensure the protection of Ukrainian advocates, that the Prosecutor General's Office and law enforcement agencies take measures to stop any acts of interference with the activities of advocates, any attacks on advocates, and any attempts to exert pressure on them; condemn all acts of violence and promptly, impartially, and effectively investigate all violent attacks on advocates.