The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) is an association of independent specialist defence lawyers. The association itself is wholly independent and free from outside interference.
Its affairs are managed by an executive committee and advisory board elected by the membership in general assembly every three years. Members are motivated by their desire to keep up to date with professional developments, to be fully informed of developments at European level which affect their clients, and by their motivation to protect and resist where necessary any attempted diminution of defence rights.
As busy practitioners members need to strike a balance between attending to their own case load and keeping fully abreast of legal developments. This is difficult enough to do given the amount of domestic legislation that is introduced in each jurisdiction. That difficulty is compounded when one considers that there is a substantial amount of additional legislation from supranational bodies such as the European Commission.
Through its conferences, website and communication by email and on social media the ECBA provides a suitable forum to access absolutely up-to-date information on legal developments.
Through the work of its legal development sub-committees the Association actively seeks to shape future legislation with a view to ensuring that the rights of the defence are enhanced. Through the networking opportunities available with membership, members establish one to one contact with other practitioners in other member states both with a view to the exchange of information and to practical cooperation in specific cases. This experience from comparative jurisdictions shapes and informs the submissions which are made by the Association to the law makers, and ensures that those submissions are given due weight.
On an ongoing basis the ECBA seeks to identify issues of topical and practical concern to colleagues around Europe and provides regular updates from representatives in Brussels on developments in the subject areas. The typical email communication covers not only developments from the ECBA’s working groups (for example financial crime, forensic experts, legal aid) but also a report on current developments with pending Green Papers such as Procedural Safe guards or Ne bis-in-idem papers. Of course the ECBA keeps her members up-to-date with her activities such as conferences etc..
Because of the high profile achieved by the Association through its work since its inception, the ECBA has been asked to become involved as a co-partner in a number of important legal projects.
For more detailed information about the European Criminal Bar Association please select a topic from the sub menu ABOUT US.