ECBA Autumn Conference Lisbon, Portugal
30 September and 1 October 2016
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Please click here to view some photos of the Ordem dos Advogados - Conselho Geral (who hosted the ECBA Board meeting), the reception, conference and dinner.
This year’s conference was dedicated to Future Challenges in the Field of Cross-Border Investigations, Prosecution and Defence, with a special focus on corruption investigations. It took place in Europe’s westernmost capital City Lisbon.
- Welcome speech
Dr. João Manuel da Silva Miguel, Director of CEJ
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and Conflicts of Jurisdiction in the European Union
- The European Public Prosecutor’s Office – The view of an academic
The EPPO – Learning from international experience-e
Charlotte Röber – University of Maastricht - Developing a New Legal Framework for Preventing and Solving Conflicts of Criminal Jurisdiction
Prof. Katalin Ligeti – University of Luxembourg - EPPO and Conflicts of Jurisdiction - Eurojust’s Reply
Michèle Coninsx – President of EUROJUST
ECBA Projects
- The Purging of the Judiciary in Turkey
Scott Crosby, ECBA Human Right Officer
Handouts from MEDEL (Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés)
Email sent to Medelnet by Dieter Deiseroth, Judge at the Federal Administration Court of Germany
Prosecutor jailed over coup charges found dead in prison
Press Statement on the position of the HSYK in the European Network of Councils for the JUdiciary (ENCJ) - EAW-Handbook - for all information go to
Jodie Blackstock (JUSTICE) and Vânia Costa Ramos (ECBA) - EFCL - A sub-association of the ECBA
Dominika Stępińska-Duch
CCBE – Presentation
- Peter McNamee, Senior Legal Advisor, Brussels
CCBE and ELF project on the implementation of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW)
How is EU criminal law made in Brussels?
Corruption in the International Context – Substantial and Procedural Issues
- Tackling match-fixing: A European perspective
Benoît Keane, United Kingdom - Substantive issues - corruption in sports
Carla Gabriela Reyes, Switzerland
Brazil, Petrobras and the international implications of corruption investigations
- Peter Iokoi, Brazil
Car Wash Operation Rewarded Whistleblowing
Recent developments in National Jurisdictions
- Navigating the pitfalls of a cross-border internal investigation
Case scenario - Conducting Internal Investigations: Evidence and Confidentiality
Vladimir Hrle, Serbia