The STREAM project was launched in 2021 to encourage coherence in the use of EAW by promoting a better understanding of the criminal justice rules and safeguards applying to the different phases of the surrender proceedings.
The ECBA took part in this project alongside renowned stakeholders in this field such as the Centre for European Policy Studies [CEPS], the European Institute of Public Administration [EIPA], Fair Trials Europe and Agenfor International. The ECBA brought its practical experience and knowledge to the approach of the project by providing a compilation of national case law.
The project culminated in a EU jurisprudential observatory monitoring questions of interpretation and challenges encountered in implementing EAW. The STREAM Repository of EU case-law is now available on the STREAM project website. There you will find detailed analytical case notes of the most recent and important CJEU judgements, case summaries covering key issues of mutual recognition, protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law, and a list of all the relevant case law.
The STREAM observatory also provides for a selection of national case law in 14 member states. With a customable search tool and case summaries is in English this observatory is a useful tool for any practitioner in this area.
To further enhance and spread the understanding of EAW mechanism the STREAM project offers an online training tool composed of 10 modules on key topics such as issuing judicial authority, detention conditions, fair trial or trial in absencia. These free e-training modules based on case studies are available in 12 languages. While targeted toward judicial authorities they provide useful insider tip to defence lawyers.
The defence toolkits assists defence lawyers involved in EAW proceedings by providing comparative legal research in 4 areas such as the right to access case file, the right to judicial review, the right to interpretation and translation and the right to a lawyer and legal aid.
The STREAM project presents as an interesting one stop shop of the most relevant EAW case-law in the selected EU Member States paying particular attention to the relationship between mutual recognition, fundamental rights and the rule of law.
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