Please click here to access this document which has been sent to the European Commission, to the Members of the European Parliament, to the national ministries of justice, to the representatives of Member States in Brussels, to the EU Council of Member States, the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, to CCBE and national bars and law societies, to several NGO’s and other linked organizations and to our membership, defence practitioners in over 35 Council of Europe Member States (February 2013).

We are honoured that the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and Committee on Legal Affairs has invited the ECBA Chair, Holger Matt to speak at the Interparliamentary Committee Meeting, 'The Stockholm Programme: State of play regarding police and judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters' on Thursday, 20 June 2013.
Click here for the draft programme.

A conference organized by the Lithuanian Presidency in cooperation with the European Commission and ERA,  with the title 'European Public Prosecutor’s Office: Constructive Approach towards the Legal Framework', will be held in Vilnius on 16 and 17 September 2013. The ECBA Chair, Holger Matt has been invited to speak.
Please click here for the draft programme.